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Mangum Manor Civic Association September 2011 Newsletter

Mangum Manor Civic Association November 2010 Newsletter

Date: Apr 18 2019, 5:07 AM
Subject: Civic Club 5th Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Board Nominations

Join us for our 5th annual Easter Egg Hunt!!
Friday, April 19 at 6:30 pm in Mangum Manor Park

The Easter Egg Hunt will have one section for infants/toddlers and another for big kids. In addition to having fun with the family, you will also have the opportunity to nominate yourself or your neighbors to serve on the 2019-20 Mangum Manor Civic Club board. Nominations can also be made electronically by emailing board@mangummanor.org or contacting any board member. Voting will then be held at the May meeting. The following positions are elected each year:

* President: Leads and helps organize the civic club and its activities
* Vice President: Acts as second set of hands for the President and, if necessary, assumes role if the President vacates office
* Secretary: Takes and maintains official meeting notes from the general meetings and board meetings.
* Treasurer: Oversees the financial matters of the civic club, including depositing payments to the club as well as disbursing funds for expenses.
* Section Representative: Act as board members and help conduct civic club activities and provide updates on sections. There are 2 representative positions per section.

You can be nominated for a position without being present at the April meeting, but it must be done with prior consent. Of course, any nominee may decline nomination. The only requirement for any officer position is that you are a resident of Mangum Manor and have paid your annual dues. The civic club officers provide the backbone of the civic club and often help drive how active and effective the club can be for our neighborhood. Whether you haven’t been to a civic club meeting in ages or just moved into the neighborhood, you are part of Mangum Manor and can help make it a better place by giving your time.
Check out Mangum Manor Civic Club on Facebook! Mangum Manor Civic Club has a lively Facebook Group to which all Mangum Manor residents are welcome to join:
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